I’m TRULY sorry for the lack of posts…its been one heck of a christmas/ winter break! :) Last Christmas I went to Taipei to spend the holidays with my dear mami and babi and jie …..
We ate amazing Taiwanese cuisine…..
Strolled the beautiful Taipei sidewalks and had such a peaceful, happy foursome family trip…..
I’ve been in the States the past few weeks…. having a bit too much fun in Union Square in San Francisco. I can’t wait to go back!
Jetting off to Las Vegas…what an awesome experience! Truly Thankful…
Exploring the beautiful Korbin Kameron vineyard in Napa Valley (and boy, is it exquisite…Thx Korbin!)
and finally back home to So Cal just in time to ring in the New Year with my loved ones (like my mami and abu). I could not be more thankful for such an amazing end of the year…2013 has been amazing…but I couldn’t be more happy for 2014 to whiz on in! I compiled a mini resolution list for 2014 And….hope you all will join me for the ride! Let me know your resolutions for 2014!!?? Here we go….
To spend more time with my family…..My gorgeous aunties and abu.
To have a family reunion again and have epic cousin board game nights (I will settle for afternoons)….
To REALLY do more food blogging.…and kick it up a notch…I also want to expand and do more. Just you guys wait!
Get smooth velvety skin! LOL In other words…Sleep better, eat better and live better- and let it reflect in my skin!
Family, family, family!
Go back to the States…back to SF, back to LA…. Appreciate the little things…like looking up to see beautiful blue skies or stopping to smell the roses.
To celebrate my birthday and remember just how blessed, grateful and thankful (post) I am for each and every birthday. A year older…a year wiser :)
Have quality sister sister time! Love you jie! Miss you loads.
Really take EatwithJess to a whole new level! (press page) Feel free to contact me at eatwithjesshk@gmail.com for inquiries. Who’s with me?
Food blogging videos (post)... sounds like a great first step.
Witness this little star in the making!
All in all….a short spark notes of all the above is….Pack a bag…and travel the world. Continue to work a lot! Live life, love my family…Be happy and be healthy! :)
Eat Clean. Train Mean…and Be Lean.
Happy New Year folks!!
<3 Always, Jess